RISC (reduced instruction set computer) and CISC (complex instruction set computer) are two major types of processor architecture. These styles differ in the way that they handle incoming instructions, making it difficult to compare the clock speeds of the two types, as a 2.0ghz RISC processor will be faster or slower than a 2.0ghz CISC processor depending on the structure of individual applications. Knowing which type of processor you have is accomplished by knowing which company made your processor.Related Searches:
InstructionsOpen the "Start" menu.
Press "Run."
Type in "msinfo32" and press "Enter."
Click "System Summary" and read the "Processor" tab. If your processor is made by Intel you have a RISC processor. If it was made by AMD you have a CISC processor.
is a separate processor used to handle all graphical information in a computer. Its separate from the CPU thus decrease its load or work
Yes, you can increase the RAM and processor in your HTC one X plus.
Simply “nm“ as in: The new processor is based on 5nm technology which reduces both size as well as lifespan of the processor.
depends on your processor type and the workload on it.
Mb is a measurement of capacity while GHz is the amount of how many times the processor completes a cycle (in the millionths) per second. For example, 2 GHz would result in 2,000,000 cycle per second. Where I can see he/she's getting at are how many Mb/s can the processor process. This is all in the matter of the Front-Side Bus of the processor. Here's a mental image: Pretend that the processor is an hourglass. The gap in the center would be the Front-Side Bus. You would get as many grains as you have RAM. The larger the gap, the faster the grains fall through.
RISC is faster than CISC
RISC stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computer. The design strategy of a RISC processor includes limiting the number of instructions. This does not mean that ALL RISC processors have less instructions than ALL CISC processors, but in general, they do.
In CISC, the instruction set is very large that can be used for complex operations while in RISC the instruction set is reduced, and most of these instructions are very primitive. CISC computer's execution time is very high whereas RISC computer's execution time is very less. In, CISC code expansion is not a problem while in RISC code expansion may create a problem. In CISC, decoding of instructions is complex whereas, in RISC, the decoding of instructions is simple. CISC requires external memory for calculations, but RISC requires external memory for calculations. CISC has only a single register set while RISC has multiple register sets are present.
The term RISC means Reduced Instruction Set Computer, as opposed to CISC, which is Complex Instruction Set Computer. The RISC processor is different from the CISC process between it has far fewer instructions, but it executes them much faster, because of its simpler internal design.
Pentium I processors are CISC.
CISC RISC Emphasis on hardware Emphasis on software Includes multi-clockcomplex instructions Single-clock,reduced instruction only Memory-to-memory:"LOAD" and "STORE"incorporated in instructions Register to register:"LOAD" and "STORE"are independent instructions Small code sizes,high cycles per second Low cycles per second,large code sizes Transistors used for storingcomplex instructions Spends more transistorson memory registersRegards,Foad GodarzyNSWER: I believe a CISC processor is a 32 bit processor and a RISC is a 64 bit processor
CISC and RISC are the two categories that are used to classify CPU architecture. CISC is an acronym for complex instruction set computer.