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By the serial number and markings on the barrel.

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Q: How do you determine age of Remington Sportsman 58?
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What year is the Remington sportsman -58 serial 143766v?

what year is tha Remington sportsman 58 serial 143766v

What is the value of a 20 gauge Remington sportsman 58?

The value of a 20 gauge Remington Sportsman 58 would actually depend on a number of things. A couple of those things would be the age and condition.

What is the value of a 20 gauge Remington Sportsman 58 in good condition?

what is the market value of a remington 20 gauge semi-automatic sportsman 58 shotgun?

What stock can fit a Remington Sportsman 58?

You have answered your own question.

Who has complete internal assy for Remington sportsman model 58 12ga receiver?

Numrich gun parts. Look under Remington SPT 58.

What is the value of a Remington sportsman model 58 shotgun?

75-400 USD

How many Remington Sportsman 58 Model were produced?

according to blue book of gun values 271,000 approximate sportsman 58 were manufactured between 1956 and 1963

How old is a Remington sportsman 12 gauge?

Don't know for sure which you mean... Sportsman 1930-1947 Sportsman 48 1948-1968 Sportsman 58 1956-1963

What is the value of a Remington Sportsman 16 gage shotgun?

First of all you have the "sportsman 48", "sportsman 58" and the "sportsman". If it is a plain sportsman it's value depending on it's condition is from 150 to 200 dollars.

How do you remove the cocking lever from a Remington Sportsman model 58 autoloading shotgun?

Take it to a gunsmith

How is the cocking handle removed from a Remington Sportsman model 58 autoloading shotgun?

Take it to a professional

How do you clean a Remington Model 58 Sportsman 20 Gauge Shotgun?

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