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Plug your iPod into your computer and open iTunes. On side menu of iTunes you will see an iPod symbol (this is under Devices, the third category down). Click on the iPod symbol and scroll down to the third category, Options. Click on SYNC ONLY CHECKED SONGS AND VIDEOS. Then go to your iTunes library and un-check all of the songs and/or videos that you do not want on your iPod. This will allow you to keep your iTunes music, but it will take it off your iPod.

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Q: How do you delete music from iPod but not from iPod library?
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How do you delete music from my ipod touch?

delete it from your library in itunes

How do you delete music on iPod?

To delete music from the iPod, you must delete it from iTunes or from certain playlists on iTunes. Then install the revised library or playlists onto your iPod, and it will replace the old collection of music that was on it.

How do you delete music on ipod touch?

to delete music Open itunes click on the songs you want to delete right click it will say delete click yes then re sync your ipod and the songs will be gone but you have to open your music library and it will say updating library hope that helps

How do you delete music off a ipod touch?

First, you need to connect the iPod to iTunes. Then, click on the Music library that is under the iPod Touch menu. That is your iPod Touch's music, and just right mouse click to delete them.

How do you delete music on your iPod?

Go into your music library in itunes and right-click on the music you want to delete. The window that pops up should have a delete option, click on it and the music will be deleted from your library and the next time you sync your ipod, the music will be deleted from there too. (I'm not sure what other versions of itunes this works with, but i know it works with itunes 10.)

How do you delete all ipod library music without deleting from ipod as laptop memory is nearly full?

Don't sync your iPod when you are deleting your music. Also, once you delete something from your iTunes and it's on your iPod, then when you sync it again, the songs will be lost because you deleted the original file. So if you want to have no songs, you can delete all your library, or you can shorten your music to save some of your laptop memory.

If you install iPod software will it delete your music?

No, iPod software will not delete your music.

If you sinc your ipod with an itunes that doesnt have songs on it will it delete your songs on your ipod touch?

You will be given the option to transfer your ipod's music/videos etc. to the blank library.

How do you delete picutures off your iPod?

Delete them from your iTunes library, then re-sync your iPod.

I accidentally added my sister's music to my iPod nano How do I get it off of the iPod without getting it off of iTunes?

That's quite easy all you have to do is delete your sisters songs that are physically in your iPod and leave ur sisters songs in the itunes library (if u didnt put them into the library then transfer the songs from ur iPod to ur itunes library then delete them)

How do you take movies off an iPod?

Go to your itunes library uncheck the movie you want to delete then sync your ipod the movie will delete of the ipod but still remain in your library.

How do you put album artwork on an ipod from your itunes library?

delete the one on your ipod then drag the one from your library back to your ipod