I Wan t no note ne on tour site.i ha ça e a cancer and i don t étant to make loosind loosing Time tu other gays thank jean Luc take care.
There is no option to delete your account, unless you become a paying member.
Somebody suggested to send random emails to people saying that Gay411 was not a good site (with more explicit wording) and to go to a different social media instead. I wrote the same on my main profile page. My account was deleted the same day...
You can delete your Nimbuzz account can be deleted easily. You can to to your settings to delete. then select the delete account option.
It is very easy to delete an account at gay.com. You will need to log into your account and go to your account info to delete your account.
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You CAN NOT delete your account.
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You can delete your account, but you can't delete the website hotmail as a whole. To delete your account, you go to your settings and account information then close account.
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