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Inner beauty is beauty within yourself. A nice kind-hearted person has inner beauty.

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Q: How do you define inner beauty?
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How do you define outer and inner beauty?

outer beauty normally refers to your outer physical appearance. The way you dress, walk, talk, every action that you make can be define as "outer beauty". Inner beauty on the otherhand refers mostly to how kind hearted, friendly or your sensibilities and whether you are at peace with yourself.

How do you say beauty within or inner beauty in Spanish?

Beauty within (or inner beauty) is: belleza interior

When was The Inner Beauty Movement created?

The Inner Beauty Movement was created on 2005-06-28.

Which counts more inner or outer beauty?

Inner beauty cuz inner beauty shows who u really if u r ugly on the outside u can be pretty on the inside

Characteristics of inner and outer beauty?

Outer beauty is when someone is attractive and pretty blah blah blah. The Inner beauty is having a good personality and a good soul.heart. People often have the tendency to judge others by their Outer beauty because that's all anyone can see at 1st because it's outside of the person's true beauty (their inner beauty).

What are the Difference of inner beauty to outer beauty?

inner beauty is your decision to be nice on the inside but on the outside you are either beautiful or your not whats in your heart is what counts though =]

What movies depict inner and outer beauty?

Beauty and the Beast

How did beauty?

If asked to define , beauty is a perfect combination of qualities,which makes a person superior than common people. Beauty enhances either the outer appearance i.e. how you look, or inner appearance i.e what you think about others, how pure hearted you are, etc. Outer beauty is not a long lasting one as it decreases with age but inner beauty or the beauty of mind and soul has a long lasting impression on others. It never reduces and can be regarded as our immortal beauty. However beautiful we are, if our behavior is not acceptable or igood then no one will value our looks. Thus I believe that beauty of our heart, soul and mind can probably be regarded as the true beauty.

Does love mean inner beauty or outer beauty?

Your inner beauty is the beauty of your personality and what is on the inside... kinda cheesy, but w/e

Inner beauty and love?

Inner beauty is the soul of an individual or the heart of a person (whatever that individual believes in) and inner beauty is about loving others; being kind and considerate; being there for family and friends and lend a hand when others need a helping hand; being tolerant of others and be forgiving because no human is perfect. All humans have to work on their inner beauty throughout their life span. Smart men and women should see that inner beauty in a person, but unfortunately, when younger (sometimes even older) some people miss seeing that inner beauty and only see the physical beauty of that person and it is their loss when they cannot see further into the heart or soul of another. One should work on their inner beauty because beauty fades, but inner beauty always shines through.

Do guys like outer beauty or inner beauty?

outer and inner because men definitely like outer beauty but if your boring they don't stay with you does that answer your question

Can beauty last?

Inner beauty lasts. Outer beauty depends upon the looker.