No "code" involved. You just have to find a source for SAKO serial numbers.
Made in 1969. No other description means I can't help you with other info.
This link is from Sako's database, and lists older models and dates of production: classic 270 serial number 654798 how old is it?
The serial number 4279990 is a partial serial number for this rifle. To determine the date the rifle was manufactured you need to provide a complete serial number that begins with letters.
You have listed the model number of your rifle,not the serial number.
Not a serial number if that is on a Sears or JC Higgins rifle. Might be a serial number on an Ithaca rifle. Please list all the markings on the rifle, just as they are on the rifle.
The rifle had the serial number C 2766.
By the serial number on the rifle.
Apparently they were not serialized--i.e. do not have a number.There is a three letter code on the left side of the barrel that will give month and year of manufacture. Go to and it will decode it.
Your Marlin rifle was made in the year 1987,with the serial number provided.
With the serial number that you provided,your Marlin rifle was produced in the year 1979.
With the serial number that you have provided,your Marlin rifle was made in the year 1996.