It's similar to having someone close to you pass away. you can see a councillor or therapist.
With a long stick. ED. or with your penis
tell him he is going to have to deal with it because she is your best friend and she will always be there for you and you dont know how long he is going to be there for you i would rather loose a boy then my best friend
Break up with him and work on your grammar! Break up with him and work on your grammar! Break up with him and work on your grammar!
Sorry to break it to you but it's probably not going to get better for a long long long long long long long time, especially if you live in the U.S.
It depends, on if they have been doing more and how long..
It Must Be "I Knew About This Long Ago".
As long as you think of it as "him or me", you can't. Only she can deal with those feelings. What you can do is be there as a friend and give it time.
Long ago my friend Long ago my friend Long ago my friend Long ago my friend
i once had a friend who was lieing to me for a long time. i told her i didnt want to be friends anymore. but i just had a break from her for a few months and then she said she wouldn't lie anymore.
i don't understand what your question is and if you do lose a friend either move on or try to get friends with himher again
Not if you are still with him. If this occured a long time ago, feel free to tell him anything. But if you were with his best friend while you were with him, just let it go, and NEVER do it again. ..or just break up with him if you like his friend better.
sometimes if it knew you knew for a long time it wont be.