Features and markings.
------- corrected answer------------
The Webley and Scott Mark 1 was made between 1926 and 1929 Approx 1500 were mfg
Somewhere between $150 and $200
Without more information about the condition of the pistol, it is not possible to give you an estimate of value.
Webley Mark 1 pistol (original. There are several variations) 1924-31. Webley Mark 1 New model 1935-64 Webley Mark 1 Rifle 1926-29
More information would be helpful -ie, revolver, automatic or flare pistol, and what bore ?
50-100 USD Another Answer: Depending on the condition I've seen them sell for over $3000
Try Numrich gun parts
The Webley Scott Mark 1 was made from 1924 to 1935. It was made in several variations. The first two variations are so rare that a price can not be established. However the third variation in very good condition is worth around $325. However yours may be worth much more. My best Guess is $475 + , But That is only my opinion.
It is not possible to give you an estimate of value with more information about the pistol. I need to know the current condition and is it an original "Junior" or a Junior new model or Junior Mark II
The value of the Webley Mark 2 revolver with a serial number of 43383 varies with the condition of the pistol. This gun sells for about 450 dollars to about 1000 dollars depending on the condition.
Obviously depends on condition. £45 upwards. Does yours have both .32 and .22 magazines. I am an athletics starter and need a Mk2 to start school/children's events.
Approx 31,750 of these were made between 1973-1976. Unfortunately you did not state the condition of the pistol, so no estimate of value can be given without know if it still works and what condition its in.
The Webley Mark 1 was made over a long period of time. 1924-1964. there were 2 variations and 6 different series. A lot of information is need to give you an estimate of value. it could be as much as $370 to as little as nothing. You didn't state the condition of the pistol, that and the series makes it possible to give an estimate. I suggest that you look up a book called "Blue book of airguns 7th edition" and locate your pistol to identify it. This should give you the information that you need.