You must be knowledgeable in either PHP or ASP.NET. Those are the server-side scripting languages widely used and probably supported in your operating system (ASP.NET is Windows only). Next, if you are confident in HTML/Javascript/CSS and any other client side languages and extensions you might use(jQuery, etc.), create a design. You can ask more specific questions once you get stuck while coding your design.
a website where you can create a social network, like myspace or facebook
it is social network website it is one of good website in social network helloworld good website good website nice website
In order to create a social networking site, you would need a website. You would also need to find an area of common interest which you will use as the main objective of the social site.
There are programs available to create apps for social media purposes. You can also download existing apps to use for your social network activities.
Mark is facebook
Habbo is a social network website for teenagers to hang out.
im not sure
LinkedIn is a social networking website but I don't know much about it
Although there is controversy (highlighted in the recent movie, "The Social Network") related to the social networking site, Mark Zuckerberg is credited with the creation.
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