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The day you begin 'bleeding' is the first day of the menstrual. Then the days in between the next first day of bleeding is the length of the cycle, not the length of days that bleeding occurs. For instance, if you started bleeding on 1/5/08 and your next period starts on 2/1/08, you have a 28 day cycle. If you start on 1/5/08 and your necxt period starts on 2/3/08, you have a 30 day cycle. These are the most common cycles.

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Q: How do you count 28 days of mestruation cycle?
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How do you count 28 days of menstruation cycle?

you could use a calender to count off the days.

How long until you get youre period after you finished youre period?

A cycle lasts 28 days so count 28 days from the first day of your last period

How do you figure out your length of a cycle?

You count from the first day of your bleed until you bleed again, this is generally between 21-28 days :)

How do you know your period is due?

Count 28 days from the day that you started last month. It is ok for you to be a day or 2 late every few months. Also the breast get sore, face breaks out, swolen stomic, some foods make you not want to eat at all.count 28 days or so, from your last periodYour menstrual cycle ranges from 3- 8 days. You can count from the beginning of your cycle to the end it will equal 28 days

How do you count a menstrual cycle?

It should be every 28 days some are irregular so you can go months without them but on average every 28days

How often do female ovaries release an egg?

Every 14-18 days per cycle. To determine this you count the first day of your period as 1 and mark off each day on a calendar. The average cycle is 28 days and ovulation happens about day 14 in the cycle.

When you start your period if you have brown old blood first do you count those days as your 28 days or do you start counting when the blood is red?

When you start your period if you have brown, old blood first you count those days as the first day of your 28 day menstrual cycle. You do not have to start counting day one when the blood is red.

What is periodization cycle?

28 days

Which cycle takes about 28 days to complete?

The Lunar cycle.

Does the menstrual cycle happen every month?

Yes, roughly every 28 days menstruation will occur. Not everyones cycle is 28 days and there can be a few days variation from one cycle to the next.

What is the period cycle?

The 14th day is when you ovulate in a 28 day cycle. Most cycles run 28-38 days and not shorter. If you are having a shorter cycle go to the doctor this isn't normal.

You do not know when im due on do you count from the day you finished your last period if so how many days?

most women have a 28 day cycle, you count from Day One when you start your period to get the date for your next period