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Q: How do you convince your parents into letting you get Smiggle stationary?
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Have him come meet your parents. Have him over for dinner.

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ba mlay ko hehehe

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Say it will help you to get better grades in school

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beg an if dat aint workin 4 ya NEVER leave em alone

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You could disguise yourselfs so nobody knows what you look like on the web. Although you parents may seem like dorks for not letting you sing they're just trying to protect you from what is out there on the net.

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You cant convince your parent's because they have a good IQ your parents not be tricked by anyone.

How can you convince your prents into letting you see the guy you like?

Your parents may have a good reason for not letting you see him, ask them about it and actually listen before you start convincing them to let you. Following their rules about calling them to let them know where you are and being home on time can help you earn their trust. If he is the one they don't trust, see if your parents and that guy would be open to you two hanging out at your house with your parents present.

How do you convince parents to get married to a girl you love?

The best way to talk to your parents is honestly and openly. If you tell them your in love and be honest they will likely respect you choice.

How do you convince your parents to get your lip pierced?

Honestly, you can't convince them. Either they will let you or they won't.

How do you convince your parents to get you a music computer?

The best way to convince your parents to get you a music computer is to first explain to them what it is and what it does. Then explain to them how if fits into your goals and your interests.

How to convince your parents to go to the club?

tell them

How do you convince your parents to let you go camping with your friends?

you say parents are going with