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The only way to convert watts to PMPO is when you are using watts RMS. With this, the equation is 1 watt RMS is equal to 100 PMPO. PMPO stands for peak music power output.

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Q: How do you convert to watts to pmpo?
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400 watts equals to how much pmpo?

24,000 PMPO

How convert RMS to PMPO?

There is no proper formula to convert RMS to PMPO, but based on various observations it has been found out that 12W to 16W PMPO = 1W RMS.

How many watts in 2000 PMPO?

PMPO (Peak Music Power Output) is a marketing term used by audio equipment manufacturers to inflate power ratings. It does not represent a standard measure of power output and is often much higher than the RMS (Root Mean Square) power output. Without knowing the actual RMS power output of the device, it is not possible to convert PMPO to watts accurately.

What the abbreviation 2500 2500 watts PMPO mean?

PMPO stands for Peak Music Power Output. Its is one of many ways of rating the output capacity of speakers.

What do you mean by PMPO and WATT?

PMPO is the electrical power transferred from an audio amplifier to a loudspeaker, measured in watts. A watt is a derived unit of power, measuring the rate of energy conversion.

What is pmpo is there any internartional standards for pmpo how are they related to rms?

As far as I know, I do not think there are any standards for rating PMPO because different manufactures give diffferent numbers for pmpo for the same rating in watts RMS. Even manufactures of only amplifiers give pmpo ratings without taking into account which type of speaker/s a particular amp will be driving. Given the large difference in efficiency of different speaker systems and large difference in output wattage and current capability of different amplifier systems I am doubtful as to weather there can be a standardized system of numbers to come up with a rating for pmpo relating to watts RMS.

1 watt RMS equals to how much PMPO?

1 watt RMS equals to 100PMPO , accordingly 1000watt RMS equals to 10,000 PMPO. check out LG Home Theater HB954TB for the same.

When shopping for a hi-fi should you check the RMS or PMPO for maximum output?

RMS Watts is the important number if what you are interested in is power (loudness)

How do you convert pmpo into rms?

You cant convert between the two. RMS stands for Root Mean Square. First a varying quanity is squared, then the average is taken, then the square root. This gives an average "typical" value. PMPO stands for Peak Music Power Output. There is no industry standard for PMPO so you don't really have any way to find out what it means. PMPO in all likelyhood varies between manufactures, and was calculated by their marketing department. Meaning they picked a number that sounded really cool, then figured out a formula that would result in that number.

How do convert Million units to megawatt?

It the unit is watts, megawatts is millions of watts, so to convert watts to megawatts, multiply the number of watts be 1,000,000.

1 watt equals to how much pmpo?

1 WATT is equal to 60 PMPO. You can check it in user manuals of various home theaters.

What and where is the best 1 RMS or PMPO?

rms is the best because 1 RMS = 100 PMPO