You need to obtain a Type 7 or Type 10 Federal Firearms Licence with the Special Occupational Tax Class 2 stamp before you even think about this. Doing this without licence to do so is highly illegal, and instructions on performing illegal acts are not provided on Wikianswers.
No. PA does not require gun registration- and the SKS is not an assault rifle- it is a semi auto rifle with a fixed magazine.
Priceless, since a true SKS assault rifle would be a prototype only most likely. The SKS fires semi-automatically and does not have provision for full auto fire. If you have a normal run of the mill Chinese SKS it is worth 100-400 or so depenidng on condition, box, accessories, etc..
You might be able to find an SKS in the $150 - $200 price range.
Assault rifle is a legal term, and laws vary place to place. Under MOST of them, it is a centerfire semi-auto rifle larger than 22 caliber, with a removeable magazine that holds more than 10 rounds, and a pistol grip. The SKS does not have a pistol grip, and has a fixed 10 round magazine. Not an assault rifle.
its it the upwards area of 500.00 if in great condition, but it is also illegal as crap if its fully auto
Up to 10 years in prison. The only country still manufacturing the SKS is China, and they were prohibited from firearms imports in 93 under the Clinton administration, so a Chinese SKS in this country is at least 21 years old.
All centrefire semi-auto firearms are classed as Category D under Australian law, and only occupational shooters may possess them. Collectors may own only deactivated rifles. And the SKS is not an assault rifle.
One can purchase an SKS rifle from a variety of locations. These include a good hunting store, a rifle store, and some of the larger supermarkets such as Walmart.
Value of Rifle by Norinco SKS 7.62x39 with and without wood stock?
romanian serial number 1841899n sks rifle what year is this rifle
18, just like any other rifle.