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You don't. The G18 was designed so that its components could not be dropped into a Glock 17 (or any other Glock pistol). Furthermore, without the appropriate Federal Firearms Licence and Special Occupational Tax, it's illegal to convert semi-auto firearms into full auto.

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Q: How do you convert a g17 into a g18?
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Battle field 3 glock 18?

You unlock the g18 at level 30, you can unlock the g18 suppressed at level 41.

Where can you get a cyma cm030 g18?

You can get one on I just saw it. Type in g18 airsoft, it should be the first one for $72.00

Where can you find a high quality electric air soft G18 I just need the links?

There are two AEP G18's. One is made by Toyko Marui and the other is made by CYMA. I have the CYMA G18 (CM030) myself. The Glock models of airsoft guns are being discontinued, so unfortunately, getting a G18 will be very tough. The CYMA G18 used to be on, but I just looked, and it's not there anymore. Sorry man.

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the G18 The G18 is a machine pistol, not a machine gun. Which category do you mean : LMGs, SMGs

When do you unlock the g18 suppressed in bf3?

In Battlefield 3, the G18 Suppressed pistol is unlocked after reaching rank 37. It is a special variant of the G18 pistol that comes equipped with an integrated suppressor, making it quieter when firing.

How many grams equal 18 ounces?

ounces ( avoirdupois) = 18 / 28.349523 = 0.635 ounces (troy) = 18 / 31.103481 = 0.579 The formula for converting grams into ounces:1 g* 1 oz 28.34952313 g = 0.03527396195 oz

Is the company Glock still producing the model G18?

The question actually is a convincing one, but i will rather say that the company Glock is still producing the model G18

What level in battlefield 3 do you get the silenced G18?

you get it on level 34

What gun do you use in the snowmobile part of modern warfare 2?

the g18

What other pistols are there in Modern Warfare 2 apart from G18 M9 and Desert Eagle?

Machine Pistols -- PP2000 G18 M93 Raffica TMP Pistols -- USP.45 44.Magnum M9 Desert Eagle

What level do you unlock the g18 on call of duty modern warfare two?

Level 22 :)