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Go to Settings, find the button labeled "Wi-Fi," select the network you want to log in to, enter a password, if any, then wait for your iPod to log in. Once you log in to a network, your iPod should log in to that network automatically whenever it detects the network. Also, once you enter a password for a network, your iPod saves that password so that you never have to enter it again.

and if it says cannot connect then unplug your router and plug it in again

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Q: How do you connect your iPod touch with WiFi?
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Yes, but only via Wifi ! You have to connect your iPod Touch to a wifi network, via the Settings of the iPod

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no you just have to connect the iPod touch to a regular setup.

Does the ipod touch come with access to the internet?

If you have a wifi network then the ipod touch can connect to it. You need some kind of transmitter for the ipod to use, something to connect the ipod to the Internet. If you don't have a wireless router then you cannot connect your ipod. This is how it works: Internet > Router > Ipod Touch Without something to create a wifi network you cannot connect the ipod. If you have a router then all you have to do (on your ipod) is go into settings>wifi then click on your network and type in the password.

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No... you have to have the password or code to sign on to the wifi that is locked ...

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You can't. You can connect to a neighbor's wifi or a business wifi network

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you can connect from your ipod in a wifi hotspot but you cant turn it into a hotspot because the ipod is not a router

Does built in wifi for iPod touch mean don't need a router?

that mean that it have the capability to connect by wifi, you still need a router at home or work to connect to internet using the ipod touch

How to get wifi on iPod Touch?

Usually your iPod will connect automatically but if not then go to settings and click on wifi and it'll have the available connections listed.

How do you get internet on new iPod touch?

You will need to connect the iPod touch to a local wifi wireless network and the use the safari app on the home page. To get to the wifi menu, press settings on your ipod

Do you need Wifi for Kinectimals Lite on Ipod Touch?

because kinectimals connect with the internet and the ipod doesnt work with it without wifi. Wifi is the only way for the ipod to use the internet.

Does the first generation iPod Touch go online?

If you connect to wifi, yes

Does the Ipod touch connect to the internet?

Yes the iPod tough has WiFi support as well as 3G coverage.