you wont have it anymore:O
first spank a donkythen eat oatmealafter that brake the tvsmash ur windowtheen the next day facebook willNOT EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPPEND SO YOULL STILL BE BLOCKED i have a tip for u though dont randomly friend
Not much maybe ONE megabyte every time you visit the website, maybe even less, it depends, for example your browser usually stores most of the site in its memory, you wont use a gigabyte using facebook thats for sure, even if you use it for a year straight! INFO: 1 gigabyte= 1024 megabytes
the reson why blabberize it is because you need flash player.
yes or else it wont mail!
never they are too greedy they wont give it to u any how. i am one of the victim of this case.
she has a facebook page that you can post on. But you wont find her actual Facebook account.
no one know why it does this but the facebook team! so what you have to do is set up a new account
report the account
Try pressing new then try inbox or restart your laptop/computer and start again if that doesnt work then you might have to make a whole new account!
peope wont the old facebook but i wont the new facebook weirdd!!
Mine didn't update at the same time as everyone elses, infact mine didn't update at all, and now I can't get into my Facebook. And it is slowing down my Safari. The only place I can get into Facebook is my iPod, and I don't really want to use it on that! I don't know how to get back into my account and any websites from 'Facebook' wont open on my computer. Does anyone have any way to fix this?! It wont even work on the house computer because I once logged in into my account there and now it wont work. PLEASE HELP! It would be very much appreciated! <3
If you want to 'leave' facebook - you can simply delete your account.... Log-in to your facebook account - and click on the small down arrow to the right of the 'Help' question-mark. Click on 'Setting' from the drop-down menu. Click on the 'Modify your legacy...' link Scroll down to the blue 'Delete your account' link - and follow the instructions.
say if you get a facebook, you wont do drugs.
there really is no way but if you have access to his email you can type in the email on the facebook home page and click forgot passwork check the email, reset the password and go on his facebook, but he will find out cause he wont be able to get in with his password
you should enter your birthday. i have an ourworld account and believe me they dont do anything with your birhtday. if you want to play ourworld on facebook then say you were born in 1996 or earlier. otherwise they wont let you play on facebook. they'll only let you play on the regular version.
Yes you can. the URL for mobile is