to comfort a girl who is upset and scared always listen to her and let her talk it out. Just her saying it to you will be a big help. It is also helpful if you are with them in person and hold them tight because this helps them feel protected and safe. Wipe away her tears if she is so upset that she is crying. Never tell her that she is wrong for feeling the way she does because that will make her more upset. Offer any help that you possibly can and never leave her alone until she is ok.
whos the man in the southern comfort commerical?
You forget her and find a girl whos not racist.
make them smile as much as possible. :D
well it depens whos asking maybe he just doesnt like as much as you like him, or maybe he does like you and is to scared so ask him for a change. just remember you are perfect. i am a girl i speak from point of view.
well it depens whos asking maybe he just doesnt like as much as you like him, or maybe he does like you and is to scared so ask him for a change. just remember you are perfect. i am a girl i speak from point of view.
when you kiss her
whos chase b
just ask her questions about it
someone who can spell "next" correctly.
parry loves a girl whos name he doesn't no