On facebook my friends,relations,and those friends i add which of my cast...
Go to your friend's page and click "Add Friend"
click add friend just editing offensive language out not my answer
by typing his name and when you get through click add friend
On the right side of the user profile you will see a "Add as friend" button Click to add as a friend.
Type Victoria Justice and When you find her click add as friend.
noah seskin is on facebook if you have a facebook account type in noah seskin and click add friend and be shore you wan't to do it before you add him
Search for the person by typing in their name in the search box at the top of the facebook page. Then click add as a friend, on their page.
you go on there profile and click add friend reuest in the top right corner
Yeah, just click the 'sign up' button but don't add me as friend...
You type in their name and click add as friend.Via profile:Goto:(profile of person you want to add) > click add as friend on top of page.Via Email:Goto:(Click acount) > Edit friends > invite friends (left side of page) >Now, Type there Email, and add a message (optional)
You have to go to your friends category and then type in your friend's name and then click "send a friend request" and if your friend says yes, then there you go
go on there wall and click in the "write something" box then click the icon that says photo