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Yeah but you gotta drink a lot of it but it'll work

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13y ago

30+ days. that's if you're an everyday smoker.

but if you smoke like 2 or 3 times a week,

then it should only take about 2-3 weeks.

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9y ago

There is no magic way to do drugs and then clear them out quickly. You will have to wait until the marijuana is metabolized by your body.

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Q: How do you clear your system of weed if you drink water?
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How long does it take to get weed out of your system if you drink water?

2 weeks

What to eat to get weed out of you system?

you can drink a cap of vinegar in a lot of water

You smoke weed you are 35 weeks pregnant your due date is in 5 weeks do you have time to clear your system before you have your baby?

yes, just drink plenty of cranberry juice and water. that should about clear it up, but you can not continuosly smoke weed while during this process.

Would two small hits of weed still be in your system after four days?

probably. drink water until your pee is clear and then keep drinking for about 2 days. you should be alright. probably. drink water until your pee is clear and then keep drinking for about 2 days. you should be alright.

How can you get weed out of your system?

drink 1.5 liters of water for every 50 kilograms you way.

How do you clean your system in one hour of weed in one hour?

drink alot of water

How many bottle of water should drink to clear weed in a day?

So many that you will die from h2o poisoning

How much water should you drink to get weed out of you system?

Drinking more water than usual won't necessarily remove weed from your system, as THC (the active ingredient in weed) is stored in fat cells and persists despite hydration. The most effective way to clear THC from your system is through time, as it naturally metabolizes over days to weeks. Staying hydrated can aid in overall detoxification and help dilute urine for drug tests, but it won't directly eliminate THC.

if i get high and need to get it out my system whats the fastest way to do so (Weed and Vape)?

drink water

What do you do to get weed out of your system?

To speed up the process of getting weed out of your system, you can try drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly to sweat it out, eating a healthy diet high in fiber, and using products that claim to cleanse your system. Remember that the best way to fully clear THC from your system is through time – it can take weeks for frequent users.

Will weed be out of your system in 14 days if you are an infrequent weed user?

Well its fat soluble so the fatter you are the longer it will take. Try running alot, something that will make you sweat alot and drink alot of water. Niacin can help clear your system too. Combine all of that and you could have it out in a day or so.

How much Mountain Dew do you have to drink to clear you system for drug tests?

You can drink as much as you want,but it won't work.My advice to pass a drug test is to not do drugs.It takes at least 30 days for weed to get out of your system.