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I'm guessing you want to completely take the gun apart.
There really isn't any online source with a step by step set of instructions.
There are books on the subject.
Unless you're really REALLY good with mechanical things I wouldn't recommend attempting it without one.

You're going to need some special tools as well.
You'll need a set of gunsmith's screwdrivers and small drift pins.
Gunsmith's drivers are specifically ground to fit the different size screws.
Those screwdrivers you've got in the tool box aren't going to cut it.
The screws are torqued down pretty tight and I guarantee you're going to mark up the screw heads and the frame if you don't use the exact right driver.
Drift pins are sort of like nail set's but the ends don't taper, they're a uniform length from the tip back to the handle.
There are pins you'll need to drive out and you won't be able to do it without them.

You want to think about this before you take it on. You could seriously affect the value of the gun. there's the embarrassment of having to walk into the gun shop with a box of parts and your tail between your legs.

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