It depends on the model. If this is an Automatic, you'll start by removing the barrel. Go to the link below to the manual for step by step instructions.
With the serial number that you have provided,your Browning auto-5 shotgun in 16 gauge was made in Belgium for Browning in the year 1926.
If you have a 12 gauge model auto-5 Browning shotgun?Then it was produced by FN of Belguim for Browning in 1923.If you have the same shotgun in 16 gauge,then it was produced in 1928.
If your browning auto-5 shotgun is a 12 gauge then it was made in 1927,if you have a 16 gauge shotgun it was made in 1934.
You will need to call Browning.
Use the link below
If you have a Browning auto-5 shotgun in 12 gauge it was made in the year 1925.If it is a 16 gauge shotgun,then it was made in the year 1929.
Your serial number indicates that your Browning auto-5 16 gauge shotgun was made in the year 1947.
Your Browning auto-5 16 gauge shotgun was made in the year 1931.
The number X1850 indicates the serial number.This serial number shows that you have a browning auto-5 16 gauge shotgun that was made in the year 1947.
Your browning auto-5 shotgun was produced in 1953.
You will have to call Browning with the sn to find out.
You will have to call Browning or visit their web site with the serail number.