You look down the barrel and if it is swirled it is a rifled barrel and if it is not swirled it is a smooth bore
a slug is normally use in a shot gun and they are not rifled a gun with a rifled barrel should shoot a Shell that is the same caliber as the gun.
Rifled slugs are actually INTENDED for smoothbore shotguns. Sabot slugs are intended for rifled shotguns. Performance will vary from gun to gun, but Modified choke seems to give the best accuracy with rifled slugs for many shotguns.
Slugs! If its rifled it is a deer hunting barrel.
A single, non-rifled projectile shot out of a rifled bore shotgun (specifically a slug gun).
A carbine is simply a shorter version of the long gun. If the long gun was rifled, the carbine version would also be rifled. Examples of well known carbines with rifled barrels include the M1 Carbine of WW 2 and the M4 carbine version of the M16.
They don't make one for that gun.
sometime around 1970
Even though it's possible that a rifled gun will shoot further than a smooth bored gun; that would certainly be the exception rather than the rule. Generally speaking, the rifling is for accuracy...not range. And, generally speaking, a smooth bore would shoot further than a rifled gun; because it has less friction than a rifled gun does. That's why the M1 Abram MBT has a 120mm smoothbore; to obtain more velocity. To compensate for it's loss of accuracy, due to a lack of rifling; the M1 tank fires projectiles which un-folds fins upon exiting the muzzle.
Try, MidWest Gun Works, Shotgun News, gun show, gun shop.
Yes you can, that is what they were made for. And like any other gun it takes practice to learn how your gun shoots
The Parrott gun, or, properly, the Parrott rifle, is a muzzleloading rifled cannon used in the American Civil War. The gun is named for it's inventor, Robert Parker Parrott.
Yes but make sure you use rifled slugs. DON'T USE SABOT SLUGS. those require a rifled barrel. I use winchester super X rifled slugs in my pardner and inside of 70 yards I hit with a good grouping. Of-course, use the brand that works best with your gun.