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Spell everything correctly and don't use numbers don't say bad words or anything suspicious

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Q: How do you chat on moviestarplanet?
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Related questions

Is there a 9 year old chat room?

They are chat rooms for children from 7 or over like Moshi monsters, club penguin and Moviestarplanet moviestarplanet isn't really safe because teenagers hang around there.

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Where can you find kids chat games that are free? moviestarplanet club penguin

When you try to chat on moviestarplanet it says social interaction with other players has been disabled?

just deal with it

Are there any Australian 3-D chat games for kids?

yes, moviestarplanet,woozworld,habbo,clubcooee,gaiaonline

What are some free and safe virtual chat worlds for kids?

moshi monsters binweevils moviestarplanet fantage club peinguin

What are good teen chat rooms?

Imvu. Our world... Moviestarplanet(13 years probs although i know 15 year olds playing it)

How do you talk free text on moviestarplanet it comes up with red on the text all the time?

To get free chat, just change your age to 15 or higher

What are some free online virtual games with no download and no chat rooms Facebook games are allowed but you play a bunch already and you get bored?

well i tryed this. wooz land habbo hotel stastic hotel moviestarplanet potropica you have to buy vip on moviestarplanet smeez habboplus fresh hotel and .and zapmeta

How do you moviestarplanet?

you dont moviestarplanet its a website. go on and make a file. ( im rocker8377 on moviestarplanet)

Is moviestarplanet for teenagers?

Ages 8-15 are the ages that are supposed to be on MovieStarPlanet

What do you have to do to unlock moviestarplanet?

how do i unlock moviestarplanet so i can go online a gen