Spell everything correctly and don't use numbers don't say bad words or anything suspicious
Not to all computers
how do you chat at whisper chat
i really dont know
They are chat rooms for children from 7 or over like Moshi monsters, club penguin and Moviestarplanet moviestarplanet isn't really safe because teenagers hang around there.
weeworld.com moviestarplanet club penguin
just deal with it
yes, moviestarplanet,woozworld,habbo,clubcooee,gaiaonline
moshi monsters binweevils moviestarplanet fantage club peinguin
Imvu. Our world... Moviestarplanet(13 years probs although i know 15 year olds playing it)
To get free chat, just change your age to 15 or higher
well i tryed this. wooz land habbo hotel stastic hotel moviestarplanet potropica you have to buy vip on moviestarplanet smeez habboplus fresh hotel and .and zapmeta
you dont moviestarplanet its a website. go on moviestarplanet.com and make a file. ( im rocker8377 on moviestarplanet)
Ages 8-15 are the ages that are supposed to be on MovieStarPlanet
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