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You can't change your username on YouTube, though you may create a second account with a new name.

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Q: How do you change your username on your YouTube account?
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You cannot change your YouTube username. If you aren't happy with the one you have the only thing you can do is either just not let it bother you, or start a new account.

How do you change your YouTube user name?

it isnt possible to delete ur youtube username but u can change youtube channel name and visit my youtube channel

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yes Bridgit Mendler does have an youtube account her username is bmendler707700

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After you make a YouTube Account, in the right hand corner you will see your username. Click on it and go to "Account". After it loads the page, go to "Profile Setup". Go to Change Picture. And then pick or change your YouTube picture. Then it will be your new YouTube account picture.

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No you cannot change your username unless you make a new account. Hope this helped :) add me on zwinky my username is: carnizster I will add you ^ my username is : i-am-robsessed :) ADD ME ! im on youtube too ype in ShaunaCharlotte2010 exactly like that << and suscribe :)

How do you switch your YouTube name?

Once you create a YouTube username, you will not be able to change it. However, if you were affected by the Google+ to YouTube name change, you should be able to edit your preferences for the name displayed in your account settings.

Why is my YouTube name my real name?

YouTube underwent a policy change to try and link Google Product names with YouTube account names. You can change back to your original YouTube username instead of using your Google+ name if you wish to use your YouTube name instead.

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she doesn't have a youtube account. but follow her on twitter! @DanielleMCam

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Yes. NigaHiga is the username

Does Jennette McCurdy Have A Youtube Account?

yep. her username is 'mebejennette'