Mobile phone numbers stay the same no matter where the phone is. Regardless of where in the world the phone is, it is called as if it were in its "home" country.
Can i change my phone 0rder
You cannot change a phone's frequency.
you have to get your phone unlocked to change your sim on your phone .you need to google "restriction code "and then your the model of your phone
go to your phone company and tell them to change it..
There is no country with the phone number 0015168809968870. Kindly call your operator to confirm.
Calling from a Country Phone was created on 1993-10-24.
Depending on the type of phone; you can change the language by going through the menu on the phone or contact the company.
change phone to new one
If you want to change your phone number to another phone ; you should call were you got the phone and the will, help you and to answer you question; yes you can but you have to all first
The phone number of the Country Store is: 512-756-2796.