Briggs racing engines are made by Briggs and Stratton racing division. This company has been in business for more than 100 years; however, they did not always make racing engines.
Banger racing is different from standard racing. Banger racing involves driving on a dirt track and using vehicles that have been constructed by the drivers.
They have lawn mover racing, moped ice racing (hilarious!), and use Briggs and staton engines in Jr dragster.Or are you asking about a certain type of racing and all the various machines that they use. Say jackstands, jacks, wrenches, pullleys, tire heaters,etc has a search feature for authorized B&S Racing dealers nearest to you.
alcohol is a depressant in that it depresses heart rate as in lowering it. However if you are having an allergic reaction to alcohol or any other ingredient in alcohol then yes it could speed up your heart. or if you say drank red bull and vodkas and your heart was racing from all the caffeine.
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Jockeys ride on the back of thoroughbred horses; standard bred horses used in harness racing have drivers.
se : standard edition sxt : sport trim rt ; racing trim srt ; street racing trim
The KTM 50 is suitable for Motocross racing, and is deemed one of the more standard types of racing vehicles amongst motocross racers, as it is a lower class racer.
The Yamaha PSR is a motorcycle. PSR stands for Power Stands Racing, which is a company that sells parts and accessories for standard and racing motorcycles.