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Q: How do you call someone who smokes a lot?
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What would you call someone who smokes weed?

A potheaad

Does meg white smoke?

Smokes. And smokes a lot.

What can someone tell someone who smokes and drinks and has sex?

Hey, you stink, act silly and we soon gonna have a lot more of you to put up with.

What smokes a lot?

Teenagers and fires

What do you call someone who drinks a lot?


What do you call someone that talks a lot?


Does Beatrice smoke?

yes, she smokes a lot.

What is the person who smokes cigarettes a lot?


What doe you call someone who dies a lot?

A Krillin.

What do you call someone who makes a lot of assumptions?

A man.

Does annelyse schoenberger smoke?

Yes, she smokes a lot.

What do you do when someone you care about smokes weed?

You say !@#$ you! and now i will !@#$ you!