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I don't think you can. Ive been breeding this stupid thing with a ditto an hatched 32 eggs so far. none are female. your best bet is to slather honey trees and if you find a female combee, great! if it's male rest the ds and click the same tree. It will still be a combee but the gender might be different. I no that works, I've done it before. By the way, save before you talk to the honey tree.

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8mo ago

Only female Combee can evolve into Vespiquen. Place a female Combee with a male one in your party, and wait for an egg to be produced. However, only female Combee can lay eggs, so make sure to have one in the breeding process.

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How do you get a female combee in heartgold?

When you encounter a Combee, there is a 12.5% chance that it will be female. See related link for details on where to catch Combee.

What's the difference of a female combee and a male combee?

Female Combee is rarer, and only the females can evolve. THE FEMALE COMBEE CAN ONLY EVOLVE WHY? I DON'T KNOW ASK SOME ONE ELES FROM HANNAH 2822

What is the evolves of combee?

If it is a male combee, then it won't evolve. The chances of getting a male combee are 87.5%. If it is a female, it will evolve in a Vespiquen at level 21. The chances of getting a female combee are 12.5%. Female combee's also have a red marking on the lowest one's head.

What does a male combee evolve into?

No, Combee only evolves when it's a female. Male Combee only stay as their base form.

What level does combee evolves?

Hello, A male Combee does not evolve. However, a female Combee will evolve into a Vespiquen at level 21.

What level does combee evolve at?

Combee evolves at 21 IF and only IF it is female.

What does combee evolve into?

Any lv21 female COMBEE will get to be the queen (VESPIQUEN).

How does combee evolve?

Combee will evolve into Vespiqueen at level 21, but only if it is female. Male Combee do not evolve. There is a 1/8 chance of a wild Combee being female. This is really rare in HG and SS because Combee are a rare spawn period.

How do you evolve a combee?

at lv 21 but it has to be female. i cant believe i spent 3000 on a male combee in the daycare place.Remmember dont use a male combeeIt must be a Female Combee. Male combees don't evolve. It evolves at level 21.

What lvl does combee evolve at if it is a male?

Combee will only evolve when it's a female.

What level does combee evolve into vespiquen?

A female Combee will evolve into Vespiquen at level 21.

What level does combee evolve in Poke'mon black and white?

Combee only evolves when it is female. Combee evolves into Vespiquen at level 21.