Would need to know the model number, which is numeric. Your best bet is to take the gun to a gunsmith and let him show you how to field strip the shotgun.
Rab Harling is 5' 9".
Rab Affleck is 6' 1".
Rab Harling goes by The Mayor.
Johnny was angry at Rab because Rab had accidentally caused Johnny's injury during their rooftop chase. Johnny felt betrayed by Rab's reckless actions and blamed him for the consequences.
Rab Kilgour was born on 1956-10-20.
He learns that Rab got shot and that he is going to die.
Rab Douglas was born on April 24, 1972.
Rab Douglas was born on April 24, 1972.
Rab Noakes was born on 1947-05-13.
Rab Shannon was born on 1966-04-20.
Rab Bruce Lockhart was born in 1916.
Abdur Rab Nishtar was born in 1899.