try the phone setings if that dont work call the servis provider hope tht helps
The number of Boost Mobile is 1-866-402-7366
252 695 5389
Are you talking about Boost Mobile? Check out this site they might be able to locate where is the closest area to get Boost mobile for your Blackberry, if not contact your cell phone company or this site:
You can start by contacting Boost mobile and obtaining a list of the master agents in the area. Or, you can contact for more information. I work for a Nationwide distributor of Boost mobile, otherwise known as a premiere Master agent.
You use
To unblock a phone number through Boost Mobile text 9999 and write ALLOW followed by the phone number you wish to unblock. Similarly if you want to block a number text 9999 and write block followed by the number. A text message from Boost Mobile will be sent confirming the action performed.
This can be done via the Boost website. There will be a prompt to enter the mobile number from which one wishes to view the calls, followed by a request for the passcode. This will enable the user to view their incoming calls from the past month.
No I can not
wanted to change my boost mobile phone number
The number of Boost Mobile is 1-866-402-7366
Boost mobile has many benefits for the consumer. A few of them include but are not limited to plans with unlimited calling, texting, and web. They also have many other options of plans.
Boost mobile phones have a range of plans, from pay as you, which is 10 cents a minute, to unlimited plans which are $50-$60 a month depending on what sort of device you have.
233, 611
252 695 5389
I'd recommend you call Boost Mobile customer service on this one. When I tried doing it in 2010, you could not transfer a Boost Mobile phone number to another carrier (and, just like you, I tried transferring it to Verizon) - you couldn't even transfer a Boost Mobile number to Nextel (Boost Mobile basically was a prepaid Nextel). Things might have changed, now that Nextel has been eliminated and fully folded into Sprint, although I'm doubtful.
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