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how do i bid on stripping and waxing a floor

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Q: How do you bid on a stripping and waxing floor job?
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Related questions

What is the average price for stripping and waxing a flooring?

Usually for stripping and waxing you charge a per square foot price. The actual price varies depending on the job but usually it is around .30 / sqft. Kyle Deep Cleaning Systems

Why do they have strippers?

Stripping is a legitimate job.

Is stripping a job?

no its not it is a bad thing to do

How long to waite before waxing car after a paint job?

The amount of time to wait before waxing a car after a paint job will vary. This will depend on the type of paint job and the wait period can be between 30 days to 4 months.

How do you bid a paint job?

If you've never bid a painting job, contact the sales representative at the paint store that you buy your paint at and they will be glad to help you figure out how much materials you will need. You can use this information and add on your labor and profit to determine a price to bid.

How do you write a bid?

The main factor when writing a bid is pricing for services. You have the option to charge an hourly rate or a based price for the job.

How much can you bid a job for without a contractors license?

Legally-- Nothing.

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how many times can u bid

What does 'bid' mean and is 'bid' a common noun?

'Bid' can have several meanings depending on the context, such as making an offer in an auction or requesting someone to do something. 'Bid' can be both a noun and a verb, depending on how it is used in a sentence.

How much per square do insurance in Iowa pay for roof replace?

It doesn't work that way, They don't pay by the square in Iowa or any state. As the roofing contractor, you just submit a bid proposal to the homeowner for the entire job. The home owner either accepts your bid or they don't accept it. The homeowner then, upon acceptance of your offer, forwards your bid to the Insurance Adjuster, If your bid is reasonable then they will accept it also and authorize the work to begin. You don't get to ad-on costs after the job is done. No contractor over-ride or profit margins get added after the job. You need to include all that in your initial bid for the roof. If you attempt to add additional after the job is done, the company will likely reject you bill.

What occurs when a company makes an arrangement so that one contractor is assured to win the bid to perform a contracted job task such as placing a roof or windows on a building?

bid rigging

When is a bid considered non-responsive?

When the bidder has no responsibility to follow through on the contract even if they win the job.