earn enough experience usually level 30+ and lower your handicap to at least a 70.
Become a Pro Then beat Matt Then start a game and hold down 1.
Yes you can it just takes matter of time to earn it.
No it is not an expansion. It is the 4th game in the Total War series. So, you don't need any other game to play it. And if you want to get it's expansion it's called Medieval 2 Total War: Kingdoms.
Nothing, so far as i can tell. No additional clubs or courses so far, no special balls or anything like that. Please correct this if someone finds a perk for going pro in golf!!! Thanks.
well i dont really know im asking u ppl
Race War Kingdoms was created in 2001.
No, at this time there are not any bots available for Kingdoms at War on the iPhone.
Pro-war politician
I don't believe that the three kingdoms were at war. They each collected on their own. I could not find an article on anything about "The war of the three kingdoms." If I am wrong could someone please correct me?
haws were pro war doves were anti war
To become a pro at anything, practice is the key. So, practice hard.
The greatest threat to the kingdoms was from defeat in war. Most of the early kingdoms did not survive, as those that did survive destroyed the others.
You dont
NO, the dev, will ban u
no. the youngest to become a pro was around 12-13
Why did Matt Hoffman want to become a pro biker