you just shoot your dummy to the side(left)
Suck Chuck Norris' dick.
Turn your phone or iPod upsidedown until all the lights go green. ;)
ulock all the dummies! from Lane
you don't Link beats the Ghost Ship dummy
you just shoot your dummy to the side(left)
Suck Chuck Norris' dick.
The related link below will show you how to beat level 86.
Check the related link for a guide on how to complete this level.
you dont. impossible
you dont. impossible
beat the game with10000000-00-----------00000
Spin the left clock to 11 and the right clock to 7
try not to hit any of the thrusters
Its a reward for an achievement in the pokedex to get the pokedex you have to beat 3rd challenge level!
you have to beat the game twice to get the final dummy never fails skin
technically no because on the last level you automatically die no matter what