first of all i do massage a full body den i do massage to his dick
If you know that they really are gay, you can always talk to them and let them know that you are interested. But dont start out too strong or they may suspect that you are not what you seem to be.
He is the most gay gay ive ever seen LoL
It means they support gay people and causes.
Buneary never used Attract on Pikachu.
No, he is not Gay. Please pray for him and his family no one can say if he is gay or not gay but he a gay man i can say i think he is...
You can't. Gay women by definition are not attracted to males.
Well, if a man is gay he is by definition not attracted to women. No pheromone will change this, because you have a vagina. Therefore, you cannot attract a gay man in a sexual way at all, ever, under any circumstances. However, if you need the attention of a gay man for nonromantic reasons, e.g. to make someone else jealous, etc., why not just ask him to help out with the situation? You can't attract the gay man, stop trying. How would you feel if a lesbian kept trying to get you interested in her?
Pink feathers attract love.
Go to Trevor Project - A gay hot line for distressed teens.
Be yourself and talk to them. The right one will come along.
Have you seen his moustache and grin? The answer is quite obviously NO! he just used the appearance of a gay man to attract his prey and then he becomes the prey.
Birds sing in the spring to attract mates.
They usually are what they say they are. But in some rare cases, they fake it (but it doesn't really attract that much attention)
If you know that they really are gay, you can always talk to them and let them know that you are interested. But dont start out too strong or they may suspect that you are not what you seem to be.
By being either: 1. Gay 2. Louis Tomlinson
Gay guys with hair flipped back to attract other guys.
Firstly, women secrete their pheromones in urine and coating yourself in women's urine probably isn't a good way to get a guy. Secondly (though I may be wrong on this one) I think gay men, straight men, lesbians and straight women all release different pheromones, so a straight woman's pheromones mainly attract straight men, a lesbian's mainly attract other lesbians, a gay's mainly attract other gays and a straight guy's mainly attract straight women. Your pheromones should attract some gay guys and women's pheromones would actually lessen the effect and gain you the attentions of straight guys or lesbians, depending on the woman you got the pheromones from. Trust your own pheromones and good luck finding someone!