For a girl in 7th grade, get good grades and pass so you're in 8th grade. For a younger boy trying to DATE an 8th grade girl, try to be her friend 1st. Then see if she develops an interest in you too. Treat her like any other human being who you want to be friends with. ask her out
find the one you love walk up to her and just be your self but not to much of your self tell her something interesting about yourself but not boring if she says no to being your girlfriend here is what you do as you are walking out look back at her and go she will start chasing you that how you get a girlfriend
Ask a girl on a date and be a gentleman!
be nice to her
Your in 3rd grade. Seriously? Even if you did get a girl what can you do? Play on the swings together and kiss behind the slide? Really? You don't need a girl in third grade!
It depends. You shouldn't ask a girl out just because of the grade you're in.
That is not right
Ask her out .
You get her alone and then you ask her easy.
you just go up to her and ask her out.
be yourself
fist ask him and if you shy ask a firnd to ask him
If your friends in eighth grade say a girl likes you, you should ask her out. What have you got to lose?