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Q: How do you ask someone out if they have a boyfriend?
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What is the easiest way to get a boyfriend?

ask someone out

Could you ask if your boyfriend loves you?

You can ask your boyfriend if he loves but if he does not respond he probably is nerviest or he does not then he does not love you or he is dating someone alse .

How do you ask someone to be your boyfriend or girlfriend?

say be my boy friend

How do you ask if someone has a boyfriend in spanish?

Tienes un novio?

You think your boyfriend is seeing someone else?

Ask him, or follow him.

What do you do if you like one of your friends and someone tells you to ask them out but you are afraid of what they will say?

ask he or she has a girlfriend or boyfriend

How can you get a boyfriend in high school if you don't have a crush on someone?

Be brave and ask him/her out.

What does it mean to ask someone will they be their valentines?

It means that they want you to be their Boyfriend/Girlfriend.

What do you do if you like someone but your not sure if they have a boyfriend or girfriend?

you could ask one of his friends or just ask him himself

If someone asks you are you single what does it mean?

If someone says that they are asking if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend. This usually means they want to ask you out...

How do you get a boyfriend When your 7?

Well, if it were me and i was 7 i would just come right out and ask someone you like and if he says no, that's okay just ask someone else.

How do you ask someone you like to be your boyfriend or girlfriend?

Ask them politely, but give some humor in it, chicks dig funny dudes!