2.If shes with friends ask them all how are they doing (Smile).
3.Tell the girl that you think shes beautiful (not sexy fine..).
4. Ask her for her phone number.
5. Call her in the next 2 days.
6. Talk too her often
7. Tell her how you feel (after a week)
8. Be comfortable ( most important).
Comp0sed by Face
Well, you should first ask yourself if you want to take a chance of losing your friend, because there is a slim chance that shell say no and start to hate you. If you want to take that risk, just say "i really like you (insert name here) and I wanted to ask you if you would like to go out with me." Not only will she maybe start to hate you, but she might also never want to see you again, or never talk to you again, or maybe even not be your friend again.
say hi and ask her some questions to get to know her
Ask her.
be friends first then ask her out once you got to know her a little
Me and my girlfriend have been going out 5 months straight and that's just how we started out. Just wait till you see her first and then ask her to get with you.
You could ask her out to the movies or something. It depends if u guys just met or if u have known eachother for a long time
have you met her face to face??? anyway, you could just say, wanna go see a movie or somthing sometime. and if you don't want to make it all weird, then ask and say your going with a group. but then sit next to her.
ask if you wanna have sex then say just kidding if they get grossed out but if not say ok with a smile then soon they will ask you out haha my girl friend Jennifer told me that story a month after we met
just ask them :)
Just tell him you had a good time & ask if he would like to get together again.
She likes you just go have fun.
uhhh...you break up with him because he just kissed a girl that's not you!
Instead of asking for hers, just give her yours and make sure she remembers you and that she knows what party you are talking about.