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Okay, from a man's perspective. The best way to approach a man about anything is direct and non-judgemental. A man respsonds to his wife (or significant other) when he believes they care for and respect him. Start with a reassurance that you love him. Mention a few things that validate your claim that he is a good man. Then just come irght out with it. "Honey I am concerned for you" Let him know that your observations are your opinion and that you don't want it to interefere with the life you had hope to live together for a long time. Ask him how he feels about it and validate his answer. Give him specific examples of how his drinking has caused others pain (big or small). If he is a good man as you say then he will listen to reason and consider what yhou have to say.

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Express your concerns in a calm and non-judgmental manner, focusing on how his drinking is affecting both him and the relationship. Offer support and suggest seeking professional help or attending counseling together to address the issue. Emphasize your love and desire to help him overcome this challenge.

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Q: How do you approach your husband who is a good man about his excessive drinking?
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