it depends. If ur not up 2 much u cud say nm (not much) or u cud just say wot ur up 2.
there is no difference in wuu2 in in English and Spanish but its said different but what you up to in Spanish is lo que dos
lol Danny wuu2!!!
"Wuu2" is a text abbreviation commonly used in English-speaking countries, so you would still refer to it as English.
"Wuu2" stands for "what you up to?" It is a common text abbreviation used to ask someone what they are currently doing or how they are feeling in a casual way.
yo badboys wuu2 then play binweevils muder
What does wuu2 meanits shortend for wat you up you by saying wuu2 here's some other words u can use:s#=sexyu= youlol= laughing out loudbrb= be right backgtg= got to gocya= byeppl= peoplebtw= by the waywubu2= what you been up toikr= I know righttht= thathw= home workkwl= coolly= love youluv= lovetomoz= tomorrowOMG =oh my godttyl=talk to you latercoz=because
heyyyahh bbezz x u okayy?? wuu2?? iloveeyouu =] x
it was SPOK OFF star trek dudes so wuu2 im bored
hiya my name is shaggy hat you wuu2
what you up to = wuu2... nothing much=nm...hiya=hya or hia... why=Y... You=U
This is often used as a text abbreviation. It stands for:"What U up 2" or fully, "What are you up to?"