If you have a newer Winchester with a rebounding hammer, a great way to improve your gun is to replace the entire trigger group from an older rifle's trigger group with the traditional half-cock safety. The older trigger groups will fit between any model 94 rifle. I have done it numerous times, the only slight modification you may have to make is when you take a trigger group from an older rifle where it has the guide rail, you can carefully grind off the guide rail from the trigger group and then it will fit fine. The grinded off guide rail will not show once the new trigger group is installed.
As for just trying to adjust your trigger, this is very tough to do without screwing the entire thing up. The older trigger group from older rifles is a much better system and has a much better pull.
A little.
look for the # on the trigger area
Do not attempt this. Have it done by a gunmsith.
I am not aware of one on today's market.I have never heard of one for this model of rifle.
If it is a newer model it should be right in front of the trigger guard.
what is the year of winchester mod 94 sn 3295692
Nothing... it is simply an inspectors stamp applied during the assembly process.
94 winchester 30\30 3503591
The 94 in the winchester model 94 carbine stands for the year of its start of manufacture which was 1894.
when was a winchester mod 94 32ws ser# 978991 made
100-500 USD without more of a description.
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