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You take it to a gunsmith

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Q: How do you adjust the trigger pull on a ruger bearcat?
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How do you adjust a trigger pull on a ruger vaquero?

Unless the work is done by a factory authorized person, you will void your warranty.

How do you adjust trigger pull on ruger ranch rifle caliber .223?

Best left to a trained factory representative.

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You will have to call Ruger to find out.

How do you adjust the trigger on a model 700 Remington?

It is very easy to adjust the trigger on a Model 700 Remington. Remove the rifle from the stock and there is 3 small screws you can adjust. One is for the lbs. of trigger pull, which be careful you don't make it so easy it's a hair trigger and could go off just by the jar from closing the bolt. The other is to adjust the length of trigger pull.

How do you adjust the trigger pull of your western field shotgun?

The only way is to replace the whole trigger but it will still have a hair trigger

Trigger pull is extremely hard 300WSM model 70 serial G360633 would also like to know how old is this gun Can you adjust the trigger pull yourself?

DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ADJUST THE TRIGGER PULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Danger, Danger, Danger. It is no older than when the 300 WSM was introduced (2001)

How do you adjust the trigger pull on Davis Industries 38 speciall derringer?

It is not adjustable.

How do i adjust trigger pull on mod 70?

Best left to a trained gunsmith

How do you make your paintball trigger easeir to pull?

It depends on which marker you have and which trigger is on it. Typically the manual will tell you how to adjust it

How do you adjust Winchester rifle model 43 trigger pull?

Do not attempt this. Have it done by a gunmsith.

How do you adjust trigger pull on a Crosman phantom pellet rifle?

See the link below for the Owners Manual. Read the section "Adjusting the Trigger."

How do you adjust trigger pull on Davis industries 38 special derringer?

Leave this to a trained gunsmith.