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Go to group, at the top of "group sets" there will be an "add sets" button, click.

Add wanted sets. Finish.

Must do separately for each group.

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Q: How do you add sets into groups in quizlet?
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To find your listed favorites on Quizlet, go to your profile page and look for a tab or section labeled "Favorites" or "Favorite Sets." You should be able to easily access and view the sets you have saved as favorites from there.

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Join GROUPS! (e.g. Cheese Curds)

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You can either become a Quizlet Plus member by paying 10$/year or, apply to as many groups as possible (you must have under 8 groups, or less, if someone accepts you before you finish the applying process, then you have to start over.) They must be applying groups, if you want to join a "Join Now!" Group, then make that one of your initial 7 groups, before you start the process.

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Quizlet was created in 2005.

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there is no pause button for quizlet!

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It depends on who made the Quizlet site but most likely yes

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Try searching a common thing you are interested in on quizlet (e.g. books or trend) and look at the various authors. Make conversation on the discussion. Also, Join groups. Cheese Curds is almost at a 100 members and it's easy to make friends.

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They are groups of data.

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Using Quizlet itself is not considered cheating, as it is a study tool that helps students review and learn material. However, using Quizlet to access unauthorized materials or share answers during a test or exam would be considered cheating. It is important to use Quizlet ethically and responsibly.

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Add up all the values in the sets

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Go under the tab "My Friends and Groups" after signing in. Click on "Create new group" and fill in the information about the group. Then click "Create Group". Your new group should show up on your dashboard under "Groups."

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Follow the rules.