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Gun shop, want ad, pawn shop, garage sale, gun show

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Q: How do you acquire used guns?
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Related questions

Where can one acquire guns and ammo?

Guns and ammo can be acquired by going to a gun store, picking out what you want and filling out a bunch of forms and going through a background check.

What type of guns are used today?

hand guns , long guns, Air guns , Rifle these are used as a firearms .

What can gunpowder be used for?

gunpowder can be used for guns and fireworks

Wisconsin convicted felons to acquire gun license?

Felons cannot own or possess guns anywhere in the U.S.

What guns were used in 1690?

Muskets were the type of guns used in 1690. Pistols were also common types of guns that were used in 1690.

What type of guns were used in the 1500s?

Long guns and hand guns

What are the guns the black panther movement used?

Hand guns and long guns.

What are the guns called that are used to shoot at planes?

The guns used in war to shoot down planes are called antiaircraft guns.

Is Gunpowder still used to make guns?

Gunpowder NEVER WAS used to make guns.

What is the name of the Field Guns which are used when investing in stronghold?

What is with you and guns.... ?

What guns were used during the Holocaust?

machine guns and rifles

How many different types of guns were used in ww1?

Long guns, hand guns, artillery