I think that if a guy likes you he will try and impress you! He may be shy or outgoing! Maybe he is a jerk to his friends but a total sweet heart to you then u know he likes you.Or if he sticks up for you then its a yes!
If he talks to u a lot and wants to be with u then he probes likes u
well if he stares at u says rude comments he says things about u to other people and thats how u know a guy likes u or not
he likes you to or is flirting he may like u but telling u notyourself so you dont know he likes u
u can just tell the guy who likes u u dont like him and the guy u do like keep trying he might just like u but doesnt know it yet
just ask him if he likes you, its the only sure way to know
he wants to get to know u better
A guy likes u when he wont stop buggin u in some way. Some guys will try to play it cool but u will always be able to tell because they never stop staring. If a guy likes you, he probably hugs u a lot, likes to make fun of u, and stares at u alot.
u could ask him...that usually works
well i guess let him know u like him so he can ask u out =)
when that happened to me i asked one of his friends to ask him who he like's and is going out with tell him to ask the guy u like who he's likes then tell the guy u hav ask this guy u like who is he going out with or u could just say hey i like u but i don't no if u like me or her more i need to no if he don't answer just beg him
Maybe the other guy likes u and wants to know bout u or ur ex still has intetest in u