Santa calls 'On Dasher, on Dancer, on Prancer and Vixen! Now on Comet, on Cupid, on Donner and Blitzen!'
The other reindeer called Rudolph names such as "Red-Nose" and "Shiny-Nose" due to his glowing red nose. These names were often used in a teasing or mocking manner before Rudolph became a hero for guiding Santa's sleigh.
First, it should be noted that this is a myth, a popular legend that has been told for several hundred years. It is a story about Santa Claus (or Father Christmas) flying through the sky in a magical sleigh, pulled by reindeer, to bring gifts to children all over the world. In the original telling, popularized in a poem called 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, there was no reindeer with a red nose; there were eight reindeer, and they all pulled the sleigh. A ninth reindeer, Rudolph, was added later-- in the 1930s, when a hit song about "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" made him part of the story. But whether he was original to the story or not, the purpose of the reindeer with the nose that was "glowing" (not "growing") was to help Santa/Father Christmas see the homes with the good children, so that he could make sure they received their Christmas gifts.
Rudolph was created in 1939 as part of a Montgomery Ward (a now-defunct chain of department stores) ad campaign.
goomey cookie santa humphry
No. A vixen is a female fox. It's also a slang term for a overtly sexual woman... i.e. a "Video Vixen".Vixen is also one of Santa Claus' reindeer in the poem "The Night Before Christmas". In popular culture Vixen is usually portrayed as a female reindeer.
Most of the Santa's Reindeer Names are Unisex Names though some are for boy or girl.
The reindeer that Santa Claus calls out in the poem are the following: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen. Santa does not call out Rudolph's name. (This could be because the poem was written before Rudolph joined the team.)
Vixen is the only girl name of Santa's reindeer.
Comet and Cupid are two of Santa's reindeer.
· Dasher, Dancer & Donner (Santa's reindeer)
Traditionally, Santa's reindeer are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dunder, and Blixem. (Rudolph was a later addition.)
All the name of Santa's reindeer. *Rudolph *blitxen *Vinxen *comet *cupid *donner *dancer *prancer *dasher
Santa dosent have names for his elfs because there two many. santas reindeer have names.
Yes, all of Santa's reindeer's are siblings. No, I will have to disagree. The names Dasher and Vixen are words meaning thunder and lightening, the magical reindeer's of Santa's Sleigh.
The Eurasian Tundra ReindeerThe Eurasian Woodland Reindeer The Alaskan CaribouThe North-American Woodland Caribou The Tundra CaribouThe Svalbard Reindeer The Peary Caribou
Some two syllable words relating to Christmas are:AdventAngelBlitzen (one of Santa's reindeer)CandlesCarolsChimneyChristmasComet (one of Santa's reindeer)Cupid (one of Santa's reindeer)Dancer (one of Santa's reindeer)Dasher (one of Santa's reindeer)Donner (one of Santa's reindeer)EggnogFestiveFruitcakeGarlandGoodwillGreetingsHollyHolyIvyJoyfulMangerMerryMince PieMusicNoelNutmegPartridgePrancer (one of Santa's reindeer)PresentsReindeerRibbonsRooftopsRudolph (one of Santa's reindeer)SantaSeasonsShepherdShoppingSleigh bellsSnowmanStockingsStuffingThankfulTinselTrimmingsTurkeyUnwrapVixen (one of Santa's reindeer)WinterWishesWorkshopYule Log