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The new credit card law called the Credit Card Reform affects students by not letting card issuers lure students in with freebies or offers for a credit card application. This law limits issuing credit cards to people under the age of 21.

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Q: How do the new credit card laws affect students?
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Is the use of a credit card considered Interstate Commerce?

Well Yes by the true definition Interstate Commerce would be in affect if you use your credit card to make a purchase outside of your own state. If you make a purchase using a credit card within your state, Interstate Commerce Laws would not affect you but may affect the Credit Card Company.

Does the new credit card law effect companies that extend credit?

Yes. The new laws will affect any credit card company. They do not totally go into effect until Feb. 22, 2010. You can read all about it at the article in the related link as it contains details of both the good and the bad parts of the laws and how they may backfire for responsible users of credit.

Credit card laws in Pennsylvania?

Credit Card debt is considered an Open Line of Credit. The Statute of Limitations for collection in Pennsylvania is 4 years. That is usually from the last use or payment.

What are the credit card debt laws?

The credit card debt laws are agreements and terms in which the user of the credit card is bound by a legal contract with their bank. This contract is usually signed by the user when applying for the credit card. Depending on which bank, different agreements and contracts can vary. If the user breaches any agreements, the bank may have the rights to bring legal charges against the user. Some examples of a credit card law may include, to pay for the installment fee on the credit card. If one fails to do so, the bank will file a lawsuit.

Where can you find information about corporate bankruptcy laws?

Does corporate bankruptcy affect personal credit?

Can you purchase with credit card with no money in our account?

If you are speaking of using your debit card as a credit card without any money in your checking account the answer is yes until the overdraft reform laws go into effect 7/2010.

What is statute of limitations for collecting on a unsecured credit card in Illinois?

You'd have to check your state laws.

What happens to credit card debt after the death of card holder?

This would depend upon the nature of the card holders' estate, whether they had a will, and the laws of their state of residence.

What are the new credit card reform laws?

There is a lot to the new laws. Much of it is good for consumers, but sometimes unintended consequences can result. Hence, the new credit card debt laws can penalize those people who haven't had any trouble with their credit cards previously. They will serve to make the credit card companies more honest about certain business practices. The two linked articles below explain both good and bad points in more detail than can be obtained here.

How can one create a credit card in the UK?

One can not create a credit card. This is against the law and will violate various laws. You will go to jail, and your family will have to pay lots of fines because you broke the law.

Can your paycheck get garnished for an unpaid credit card?

Even if a credit card company sues you and wins, the judge can only say that you do owe the money. He can attach a lien to your credit file which would prevent any new creditors from granting credit until the debt is taken care of. If you are in bankruptcy the rules change, each state has different laws. If the credit card company sues and receives a judgment in their favor your wages can be garnished up to an amount set by your state's laws.

With the new credit card laws going into effect, are retail credit card processing centers adjusting well?

With the new credit card rules only recently having gone into effect, it is difficult to determine the long-term implications for retail credit card processing centers. However, in the short-term, these processing centers have had to make the same adjustments that bank credit card companies have had to do and they've had several months to make the adjustment as afforded by the law.