A tattoo is series of ink-injections into the dermis, which is your middle layer of skin (the outer layer is the epidermis). It stays on because it is injected so deep- but it will fade in time and with exposure to the sun, or with laser tattoo removal.
Stay Strong
As of July 2014, Josh Holloway does not have any tattoos. He wore fake tattoos for the movie "Stay Cool."
Stay Gold
No. Tattoos are not inkied into bone, that would be horribly painful and dangerous. Theye are in you skin, not bone. The reason long-dead corpses have been found with tattoos, is because those corpses were mummified, meaning they didn't go through true decomposition and their skin remains, allowing us to see their tattoos.
just to seem scary. and to "stay true" to their gang. cuz tattoos are with u forever. just like your gang , your a member forever.
stay strong which are also her wrist tattoos
My children wear temporary tattoos and they always stay on until they take a shower. You should have no problem getting the tattoo to stay on all day.
They read " Stay Gold" which is a quote from the novel and film adaptation of The Outsiders. It means to stay positive and keep going.
Henna "tattoos" meant to bring luck. They're not real tattoos, just designs painted on with a color that'll stay on quite well.
She got 'Stay Strong' on her wrist because, her fans (Lovatics) tweeted her Stay Strong whilst she was in rehab! <--- her Mother got the same tattoo
Well, Aang's arrows are just tattoos. The monks dye his skin permanently so they stay there. That's it, really.