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I have a debate on Monday and I am speaking on how do social networking websites benefit out social life.

Please give me some good points on how do they benefit us. Make sure that it's only about social life.

Also, since it's a debate, my *opponent will speak* on how do social networks spoil our social life. So what are some good points which my *opponent* will tell? How can I oppose his points.

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Q: How do social networking sites benefit social life?
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Social networking sites?

In my opinion, OoWER is one of the best social networking platform to express yourself & to share 'wow' and 'oops' of daily life sharing.It is one of the Best social sharing site to follow people.

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In my opinion, OoWER is one of the best social networking platform to express yourself & to share 'wow' and 'oops' of daily life sharing.It is one of the Best social sharing site to follow people.

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Creating your own business blog on Facebook helps, also great sites to share your links to own own works, is Raverly, Crochetville, Hookey, Pinterest also use social networks such as Twitter and GooglePlus. But one is OOwer is also a good Social networking sites to express your views, ideas & events in your daily life. Follow your friends & celebrity & get all the news that is going around the world.

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Lots of advertising, placing its link on sites Google can immediately get to (something w/o a password), posting its link on your social networking sites for people to see, telling friends, etc. Having a good social life is a big help.

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They ruin your life. The only good thing is that on Facebook you Meet old Friends...x Not much help:(

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Knowing your fellow students and fostering a sense of community can benefit your educational experience greatly. The reason being is that study groups can be formed. Social gatherings can occur making for life long friendships and networking.

Why do people use social networking sites?

In my opinion: 1. It saves time. In our busy lives, making time to schedule face to face meetings doesn't fit into our schedules. We can "catch up with one another" as time permits. 2. Meeting others with similar interests is easier. 3. As emails, addresses and cell phone numbers change throughout your life, you always have a constant place to reach someone. Phil Using a social networking site brings like minded people together for chat, conversation, exchanging ideas, and even meeting in real life. Social networking has become an extension of "sitting around the camp fire" and discussing life events. For example, a social networking site for gay and bisexual men is which is used to bring like minded men together to discuss issues that relate to gay and bisexual men. a. Social Networking enables you to reach out to OLD friends and classamtes, relatives who migarted to other countries, and even connect to people with the same profession as yours for collaboration and discussion of ideas. b. makes you part of a worldwide community who come to explore technology to tehir advantage, whether for personal or business piurpose GemAmy

How social networking affect to the children?

Social network sites are increasingly attracting the attention of peoples. Peoples likes to join social networking sites and build their own network. They share their views, likes dislikes. In the past few years Social networking has become daily routine of our life. Many business related companies also likes to join social sites to grow their business. There are many of social networking sites likes facebook, twitter, digg, stumbleupon, linked in and many more.