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Most really popular scene girls are typically on the younger side, or have little to no muscle mass. A few may have eating disorders, but most of the time they are naturally petite. All the best/ most well known scene queens are thin Caucasian females, but that may not be so true in the future. Scene girls with an 'average' weight, and even African American scene girls are on the rise in popularity.

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Q: How do scene girls get so skinny?
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Do scene girls have to be skinny?

No,i don't think you need to be skinny in order to be "Scene". Scene is a style (as I've read)....and being scene means to be unique in your own way,without copying people,or 'fitting in' with the popular croud.Also to be VERY random. In my opionion,and im probably quessing alot of other girls/boys opionion you don't need to be skinny at all.I see stick scene girls & chubby scene girls all over the place. The style "scene" invloves you to be very random and unique,and as I've said,different in every single way. Scene boys/girls usually look for if they're scene and if they have good common interests,and the persons personality. Never be intimiated,if there's another prettier(if your girl) scene girl. Like i said,you need to be yourself..and be confident! Dont listen to what other people say. People usually say "Yeah,you need to be skinny because it goes with the hair style and face,and if your 'fat' you can't be scene."...well whoever says this is wrong.They're obviously not scene,if they said that. Hope this helped!

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I don't know why they so skinny by me!

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Wranglers ? ps: skinny girls rule !

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