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Rules are something that need to be followed, like a law. Properties are looked at more as guidelines on what to do.

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Q: How do properties differ from rules?
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How property differ from rules?

Rules are something that need to be followed, like a law. Properties are looked at more as guidelines on what to do.

How does combining elements into compounds affect their properties?

The properties of the compound will differ from the properties of the elements of which it is made.

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The answer depends on which properties are being used to prove which rules.

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It is normal; each compound has specific properties.

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Electromagnetic waves differ in there properties because of the difference in there frequency

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they differ from their molecules when gas molecules have lots of energy ,liquid has less energy, and gas has the smallest amount of energy.

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Science Rules

Do atoms of the same element differ in chemical properties?

No. Atoms of the same element have the same chemical properties.

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Isotopes are exactly same with respect to all the chemical properties but they differ with respect to physical properties.

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Yes. The properties of the molecule will differ from the properties of the individual atoms of which it is made.